Exploring Solar Energy: Transforming Our World Through Sustainability and Climate Resilience


Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important in the global market due to their numerous benefits. Renewable resources are an energy source that cannot be depleted and can supply a continuous source of clean energy (National Geography, Renewable Resources). Renewable energy sources, also known as “green energy”, produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, aiding in mitigating climate change and reducing air pollution. Studies demonstrate that renewable energy sources offer clean, secure, affordable, and environmentally friendly energy (Energy Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank). The significant sources of renewal energy include solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass energy, and hydroelectricity (U.S. Energy Administration Information, Renewal Energy). A study published in Frontiers in Energy Research suggests that renewable energy sources are considered sustainable and have a lower environmental impact than non-renewable sources like coal and oil.

Globally, solar energy has gained widespread acceptance as a renewable energy source because it sustains, abounds, is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, promotes energy independence, and helps reduce electricity costs. According to the IEA 50 Solar PV report in 2022, Solar PV accounted for 4.5 percent of total global electricity generation, marking a 26 percent increase from 2021. It is still the third largest renewable electricity technology, following hydropower and wind. The study projected that solar energy technology is progressing as per the 2030 milestones outlined in the Net Zero Scenario. Several factors contribute to this growth, including declining solar equipment costs, government policies supporting renewable energy, and increasing environmental concerns. This study emphasizes that the dominance of renewable energy sources can be attributed to their lower generation costs compared to fossil and non-fossil alternatives in many countries, along with the continuous support of policies favoring their adoption.

While solar panels offer numerous benefits, they also present challenges and limitations. For example, the initial cost of purchasing and installing solar panels can be relatively high, which may deter some individuals or businesses from adopting this renewable energy source. Additionally, factors such as weather conditions and geographical location influence the efficiency of solar panels, as they rely on sunlight exposure. Moreover, environmental concerns arise from producing and disposing of solar panels, as specific manufacturing processes involve using toxic materials.

Solar technology comprises primary established components such as solar photovoltaics (PV), solar thermal electricity, and solar heating and cooling. This blog investigates solar PV’s importance in the broader renewable energy landscape. Here, I will elucidate the concept of solar panels, explain their functioning, outline their significance as environmentally friendly technological solutions, and assess their profound impact on mitigating climate change. So, if you’re intrigued by solar energy, this is the perfect place! 

Solar Panel Technology

Solar technology harnesses solar energy from the sun’s radiation and converts it into electrical or thermal energy. This technology employs photovoltaic (PV) cells, which directly convert sunlight into electricity, and solar thermal collectors, which absorb sunlight to produce heat that can be used for heating or generating electricity through a steam turbine. The PV cells are made of semiconducting materials, such as silicon, which absorb sunlight and release electrons, creating a flow of electricity. The efficiency of PV cells has significantly improved over the years, with some high-efficiency cells reaching up to 22 percent efficiency (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2021). In contrast, solar thermal energy storage technology captures solar radiation as heat. This technology utilizes concentrated solar power and solar water heating systems, offering the potential to generate electricity and provide hot water. Further, stored heat could be used for later purposes.

A research article published on Springer.com, highlights the significant promise of thermal energy storage technology in ensuring energy security, decreasing carbon footprints, and accomplishing sustainable development goals (Pravin Prabhu & Sanjay Sawant, Nov. 19, 2023). This technology has been implemented at one of the world’s largest solar thermal power plants, such as the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in California, boasting a capacity of 377 Megawatts as a concentrating solar power (CSP) plant (BrightSource Energy, Oct. 2012). 

Let’s refocus today’s discussion on solar panel technology. There are three types of solar panels: monocrystalline panels, recognized for their high efficiency (up to 22 percent) and space utilization; polycrystalline panels, known for being cost-effective but slightly less efficient (ranging from 15 percent to 20 percent); and thin film panels, known for their lower efficiency (ranging from 7 percent to 13 percent) but suitability for specific applications and architectural integration (EnergySage 2021). Market trends, reported by Leonardo David and Tori Addition in Market Watch Guide on Dec. 28, 2023, demonstrate that companies like SunPower and Canadian Solar are achieving high efficiencies of 22.8 percent. As of March 2023, the average cost of solar panels stood at $2.85 per watt, representing a crucial metric for consumers and the renewable energy market.

Solar Energy’s Rising Impact: Shifting from Fossil fuel to Renewable energy

French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerellar demonstrated the photovoltaic effect during the Industrial Revolution, showcasing the ability of a solar cell to convert sunlight into electricity. This milestone paved the way for the development of solar cell technology, called photovoltaic (PV) technology (Institute for Energy Research-IER; History of Solar Power). In 1883, American inventor Charles Fritts achieved a significant milestone in the history of solar energy by creating the world’s first rooftop solar array in New York (IER). Likewise, the Solar Power Authority points out that the adoption of solar energy surged in the global market during the mid-20th century with the commercial production of silicon solar cells, marking the beginning of silicon photovoltaic (PV) technologies. This transition represents a noteworthy shift towards sustainable and renewable energy sources, highlighting solar energy’s crucial role in addressing the world’s electricity needs and reducing dependence on conventional, non-renewable energy sources. The 2020 Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Report reveals sustained decreases (by 85 percent) in solar energy unit costs and extraordinary deployment increases from 2010 to 2019.

In many regions, electricity from photovoltaic (PV) sources is now cheaper than fossil fuels. Solar power is experiencing a global upsurge, with numerous countries intensifying efforts to transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. Countries like China, the United States, Japan, Germany, India, Australia, Spain, Italy, South Korea, and France are leading this transformation. Each country demonstrates excellence in innovation, manufacturing, project leadership, investment, and policy formulation within the solar energy sector. These countries play a significant role in shaping the trajectory of the global solar industry, impacting technological advancements, market dynamics, and policy frameworks worldwide. China leads the way as a pioneer in the solar industry. In 2023, it achieved a remarkable addition of 425 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity, increasing its cumulative installed capacity to 2.92 terawatts (TW) (Electricity Sector in China). The Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA, 2023) reports that the United States has an installed solar energy capacity of 162.8 GW. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2024, the United States is expected to generate 14 percent more electricity from solar energy than from hydroelectric facilities. Projections from the EIA Short-Term Outlook released on January 9, 2024, released on January 9, 2024, anticipate that solar power will drive electricity generation growth in 2024 and 2025, with the addition of 36 gigawatts (GW) and 43 GW of new solar capacity, respectively. This surge is expected to increase the solar share of total electricity generation to six percent in 2024 and seven percent in 2025, up from 4 percent in 2023. These figures indicate that due to their minimal environmental footprint in operation and versatility in deployment across different scales, ranging from small installations to large power plants, solar panels are considered a plentiful and limitless energy source.

Solar panel technology holds significant environmental importance as it provides a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. One reason for this is the use of photovoltaic cells, which allows for the generation of clean energy without emitting harmful pollutants, supporting global efforts to combat climate change (Solar Panels Network USA). Moreover, the eco-friendly nature of solar panels extends to their minimal impact on natural resources and ecosystems during operation. Turning to renewable sources like solar power is critical for ensuring cost-effectiveness and enhancing a country’s energy security. According to an article published on June 23, 2020, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) News, researchers Patrick R. Brown and Francis M. O’Sullivan developed a methodology to annually assess the costs and benefits of photovoltaic (PV) power across the U.S. power grid from 2010 to 2017. Their analysis concluded that the benefits of solar photovoltaic energy generation outweighed the costs, with market, health, and climate benefits surpassing the cost of PV systems. Studies indicate that solar panels have a long lifespan (25-30 years) and require minimal maintenance. This longevity contributes to the sustainability of the technology, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing the environmental impact associated with manufacturing and disposal.

Advancements and Impact of Mega Floating Solar Projects: China and Indonesia Leading the Way

While floating solar technology is not new, China has taken it to unprecedented levels. An article published in the World Economic Forum (Future of the Environment) on June 02, 2017, and TIME Magazine report that the world’s largest floating solar farm, consisting of 166,000 shiny panels, has been developed in Huainan City in China’s eastern Anhui province. With a capacity of 40 megawatts (MW), it can provide enough power to supply a small town. Previously, the most enormous floating solar array was a 6.3MW plant in the UK. According to the study, the main objective of this technology is to increase efficiency by up to 10 percent, leveraging cooler temperatures and utilizing water innovatively for cleaning to minimize waste.

Indonesia has implemented another mega project of a similar kind. According to news published in Masdar on November 09, 2023, Indonesia has inaugurated “Cirata,” a significant 145MW floating solar plant located on a reservoir in West Java province. The $100 million investment, built on a 200-hectare reservoir with 1GigaWatt hydropower capacity, is the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia. Developed by PLN Nusantara Power and UAE-based Masdar, the plant utilizes 340,000 PV panels to generate 192MW of clean electricity, meeting the energy requirements of 50,000 Indonesian households. In parallel, Iberdrola, a prominent global clean energy sector player, has undertaken noteworthy initiatives to augment its solar portfolio throughout Europe. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainable energy development, the company has undertaken an ambitious venture to construct a massive 1.2 gigawatt (GW) solar farm in Portugal, as recognized by Power Technology in its list of 2023 winners. 

High-Altitude Solar Panels: Innovations and Environmental Concerns

Scientists are actively exploring improved solutions to mitigate the impact of temperature changes on solar panel efficiency. One innovative approach involves situating solar panels in areas unaffected by cloud cover. NextPV, a research laboratory operated by France’s CNRS and the University of Tokyo, conducts experiments with solar panels affixed to high-altitude balloons, floating approximately 12.4 miles above the Earth’s surface, beyond most cloud formations. This positioning allows the panels to consistently capture sunlight, maximizing energy production (Adam Epstein, Quartz Dec. 2015). However, critics raise concerns regarding environmental impact, regulatory hurdles, airspace utilization, financial considerations, and competition from alternative technologies—additionally, the construction materials of the balloons and waste generation present environmental challenges. Navigating regulatory frameworks and ensuring compliance are critical aspects of assessing the practicality and sustainability of this innovative approach.

Climate-Resilient Solar Technology: Navigating Environmental Challenges, Climate Impact, and Sustainability

Although solar panels are widely acknowledged as an environmentally friendly energy source for their capacity to decrease greenhouse emissions, lessen dependence on fossil fuels, and aid in maintaining a cleaner planet, concerns emerge regarding their manufacturing process. Questions arise about using specific toxic chemicals and heavy metals. Furthermore, the restricted lifespan of solar panels, generally 25 to 30 years, presents proper disposal and recycling challenges.

One of the most significant challenges is the disposal of used solar panels. The rate of solar panel replacement exceeds expectations. With the high costs associated with recycling, there is a genuine risk that all used panels will end up in landfills (Atalay et al., The Dark Side of Solar Panels). Similarly, the extraction process and manufacturing of solar panels can result in environmental degradation and contribute to carbon emissions, mainly if the energy used in manufacturing originates from non-renewable sources. The recycling infrastructure for solar panels is still in its early stages of development, and improper disposal could lead to environmental contamination. Additionally, large-scale solar farms may require extensive land areas, potentially resulting in habitat disruption and loss of biodiversity. 

A  Union of Concerned Scientists article published on Mar 5, 2013, revealed that solar power’s potential environmental impacts, including land use, habitat degradation, water usage, and hazardous materials during manufacturing, vary significantly depending on the specific technological framework employed. These frameworks fall into two categories: PV solar cells and concentrating solar thermal plants. The research further emphasizes that while generating electricity from solar energy does not produce global warming emissions, emissions occur at various stages of the solar life cycle. These stages include manufacturing, material transportation, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning and dismantlement. Assessments suggest that PV systems emit between 0.07 and 0.08 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour over their life cycle.

While PV cells typically use fewer hazardous materials, concerns remain regarding cost and energy storage (Pant, K. C. 1980, The Energy Crisis Global View). The author emphasizes that the initial cost of installing solar panels poses a significant obstacle to widespread adoption, especially in marginalized areas. This financial hurdle hampers efforts to achieve broader accessibility and implement solar energy solutions in these regions. A research paper published in Energy Policy 164 (2022) exposes that toxic heavy metals in solar systems, including lead, lithium, tin, and cadmium, can endanger workers and the environment, particularly during manufacturing. The research underscores environmental worries, such as the possibility of future waste buildup resulting in the creation of solar trash waves by 2050, substantial energy usage in panel production, and the environmental consequences of large-scale solar energy manufacturing, influencing business practices such as supply chain, energy usage, and climate change.

Likewise, an investigation published in the Journal of Energy and Environment (1995) highlighted the broader environmental implications of solar cells, encompassing their production and disposal stages. In this journal, the author Anne-Marie Tillman, in her evaluation of photovoltaic technology, highlights apprehensions regarding the manufacturing and discarding of solar cells. Disposal of crystalline silicon solar cells derived from quartzite and quartz sand presents environmental challenges, demanding substantial land space. Chemicals like hydrogen chloride and phosphorus oxychloride, employed in production, pose potential risks to workers and nearby individuals. Similarly, using Copper Indium Selenide (CIS-materials) in thin-film solar technology raises environmental apprehensions involving releasing hazardous gases, some reaching highly toxic levels. An article published on DOAJ highlighted that large-scale installations of renewable plants carry significant environmental impact despite their minimal direct emissions (Global Challenge: A Closer Look at the Environmental Impact of Solar and Wind Energy, Aug. 2022). This study highlights some cases where the overall life-cycle impact of renewable plants may exceed that of fossil fuel plants. Recognizing the reasons and limitations is crucial for planning sustainable energy systems. A successful transition to renewables hinges on efficient operation and high-end-life recycling rates for large-scale plants. 

While solar panels function on cloudy days, maximizing their efficiency involves considering factors like shading, cloud cover, and temperature. The amount of sunlight reaching the panels is significantly diminished due to cloud cover. According to the Environment and Energy Study Institute (EESI), solar panels on the roof of the building still operate at 80 percent of their maximum output during partly cloudy weather. Still, this number decreases further on overcast days (This Old House, 2024). Scientific study shows that even small amounts of shading on a solar panel can disproportionately impact its efficiency, as shaded cells can limit the overall output of the entire panel.

In a recent study published in Frontiers (May 11, 2022), Yasmine et al. emphasize the potential consequences of future climate change, including alterations in monsoon patterns, on solar and wind energy generation. The authors underscore that these climate change perturbations may result in lower solar and wind energy production levels than initially predicted, impacting the economic viability of corresponding assets. The research sheds light on the influence of climate change on solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, driven by alterations in radiation due to changes in snow cover and cloudiness. According to the authors, various factors affecting PV production, which may be exacerbated by climate change, include surface temperatures, solar irradiation, wind speed, and variations in concentrations of dirt, dust, snow, and atmospheric particles. The study’s findings suggest that solar PV output is anticipated to decline in significant regions globally because of global warming, leading to a reduction in all-sky radiation in the forthcoming decades. These insights contribute to understanding the potential challenges and alterations in renewable energy production dynamics in the context of evolving climate conditions. 

According to the IPCC report published in July 2020 (Energy is at the heart of the solution to the climate challenge), the climate challenge is a shared global challenge – essentially an energy challenge. Energy accounts for over two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions. It means energy must be at the heart of any solution. The IPCC report clearly shows that global emissions need to be reduced to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 to avoid a dangerous increase in global temperatures. The IPCC emphasizes that the right policies, infrastructure, and technology to enable changes to our lifestyles and behavior can result in a 40 to 70 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 


Solar panels provide numerous benefits, including localized energy production, environmental conservation, and reduced dependence on risky energy sources. Advances in solar panel technology, demonstrated by innovative projects such as floating solar farms, demonstrate a commitment to enhancing efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. Despite these advantages, deploying solar panels presents ecological challenges, such as disposal issues, land and habitat disruption, and toxic releases during manufacturing. This underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to ensure sustainability, efficient operation, and responsible lifecycle management.

Achieving sustainable progress in solar energy requires a multifaceted approach. Conducting comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) before initiating large-scale solar panel projects is essential, involving evaluations of potential habitat disruption, biodiversity loss, and overall ecological impact. Manufacturing practices within the solar industry should prioritize sustainability, advocating for using environmentally friendly materials and proper disposal methods for toxic substances. Investing in robust recycling infrastructure is crucial due to the limited lifespan of solar panels, mitigating environmental contamination and reducing waste.

Addressing financial barriers, particularly in marginalized areas, is crucial for the widespread adoption of solar energy, necessitating innovative financing models and incentives. Considering broader lifecycle impacts and high-end-life recycling rates for large-scale plants is vital for effectively integrating renewable energy.

Additionally, regulatory frameworks, especially for floating solar farms and high-altitude solar panels, play a pivotal role in ensuring their viability and sustainability. Robust regulations are necessary to address environmental concerns, airspace considerations, and potential impacts on water bodies for floating solar farms. For high-altitude solar panels, navigating regulatory frameworks is crucial to ensure compliance, assess environmental impact, and address concerns related to airspace usage, materials used in balloon construction, and waste generation. Fostering research into climate-resilient solar technologies, exploring innovative approaches, advocating for supportive government policies, and enhancing public awareness about the benefits and challenges of solar energy contribute to building a sustainable solar industry.


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